Facts to know about Running on Treadmill vs Running Outdoor
Benefits of Running on Treadmill
Do you ever wonder if there are any benefits by running on Treadmill in gym. Yes, there are lot's of benefits. Sometimes you can’t run outside, and that’s what the treadmillis for. That doesn’t mean you should just save the treadmill forrainy days. Treadmill training provides a completely controlledenvironment. You can accurately control the pace, incline,interval, and recovery. For example, getting used to running atcertain speeds because you’re forced to, is much easier to dowhile there’s a belt moving under your feet.

When to Use a Treadmill
If you’re just looking to log a few miles to keep up your cardioas part of a well-rounded fitness routine, the treadmill is greatyou don’t really need to run outside. And if you’re training for arace, the treadmill is a great tool for the structured speedworkouts in your training plan. The treadmill can also be greatfor runners coming back from injury (and runners who want toprevent injury). If you're not quite ready for the ground reactionforces of running on concrete or asphalt, we would definitelyrecommend slowly transitioning into running on a treadmillbefore running out on the road.
Pros of Treadmills
- There are no weather and temperatureconstraints. Running in inclement weather isuncomfortable, even if you dress for it. And it's riskyto run on snow and ice. In hot weather, there is a riskof dehydration or heat exhaustion. Inside on atreadmill, you avoid these risks. You also don't haveto worry about sunscreen, or about over or underdressing and being caught far from home without theright gear.
- You can simulate race conditions. If you'retraining for a hilly marathon, you can run hills on thetreadmill even if you don't have access to a trainingroute with hills. Study the course and plan yourtreadmill hills for the appropriate points. Similarly, ifyou'll be running a race in weather warmer thanwhere you live, use treadmill runs to get acclimatizedto a warm environment. Finally, use treadmill runs totry out race day clothing and make sure it will workfor you
- You can control your pace.Outside, it can bedifficult to maintain a consistent pace. For thisreason, treadmill training can be a good solution if you are coming back from an injury. The treadmillmakes it easy to track your mileage and pace. Youcan also stop anytime you want. But you can alsouse the treadmill pace to push yourself.

Benefits of Running Outdoor
Here are the Benefits of running outside, it’s hard to beat the appeal oflacing up and hitting the road on a gorgeous day. And doing so means you’ll be expending more energy than you would on a machine. You’re getting more muscle activation outside because your feet have to grab the ground to propel you.
When to Run Outside
It’s almost never a bad idea to run outside, but you shouldespecially do so if you’re training for a race. Bad weather isn’ta good excuse. Nothing is going to beat actually runningoutside when it comes to weather conditions and environment.Imagine running with the wind to your back that’s going tomake running feel easier. But running into the wind will feelharder. There’s really no way to replicate that on a treadmill.
Pros of Outside Running
- It provides sport-specific training for road races. By running outdoors, your muscles and joints will bemore conditioned to the varied terrain you'llencounter in a race. You'll be better able to adapt tochanges in weather and know when to exert extraeffort when faced with elevations or knownobstacles.
- It allows you to enjoy nature and breathe freshair. Some research has even shown that exercise ismore enjoyable when it's done outside.
- It can be motivatingto complete a distance goaloutside. Even if you're not motivated, you still haveto complete your route to get home.